Flowers And Their Meanings

Flowers And Their Meanings

Flowers And Their Meanings



The rose is one of the most famous and beloved of all flowers. As William Shakespeare once wrote “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Roses have been revered for centuries. Historical evidence shows they were grown in China about 5,000 years ago and they have continued to play a part in history ever since.

The rose has many meanings which vary depending on its color. However any rose can be commonly seen as a symbol of: Love, Honor, Faith, Beauty, Balance, Passion, Wisdom, Intrigue, Devotion, Sensuality, Timelessness.

The color of a rose also affects its meaning. Each color offers a distinct and different meaning.

The red rose has come to be the ultimate symbol/gift to express romantic love. Pink roses are your go-to multipurpose roses. They are appropriate for sending thanks, cheering up a friend, or recognizing a romantic occasion. White roses are said to showcase the structural beauty of the rose better than any other color as there is no bright color to distract from it. They are suited to reverent occasions, and are fitting way to honor a friend or loved one in recognition of a new beginning or a farewell. The pure white color conveys respect, pays homage to new starts and expresses hope for the future. Yellow roses are considered the perfect way to toast friends, lift spirits and send a general wish for well-being.



Rising up in the early summer to produce cup-shaped blossoms in all colors, the Tulip plays an important role in many home flower gardens. It has inspired downright frenzy and obsession in historical gardeners. Whether you’ve fallen in love with Tulips after strolling through thousands of acres in the Netherlands or a trip to the corner floral shop, you can learn more about the history of the world’s third most popular flower and what it symbolizes both yesterday and today.

While it’s not the fanciest flower in the garden, the beauty and grace of a simple Tulips means the flower has become a symbol for meanings like:

  •         Perfect, enduring love between partners or family members
  •         Undying passionate love, whether the passion is spurned or returned
  •         Royalty and a regal nature
  •         Forgotten or neglected love
  •         the 11th wedding anniversary
  •         Abundance, prosperity, and indulgence
  •         Charity and supporting the less fortunate

The color of a tulips also affects its meaning. Each color offers a distinct and different meaning.

Yellow is the color of unrequited or spurned love. Sending a yellow Tulip to someone means you love them, but you know they don’t return your feelings. Bright red is the color of passion and perfect love. Don’t send a bouquet of these flowers to a family member or you’ll be sending the wrong message. Purple is tied to royalty, but also abundance and prosperity. Pink is less intense affection and love, and also offers a more appropriate choice for friends and family.


The sunflower is not the rarest flower, but it’s still a beautiful symbol of power for many people. In many ways, it’s more powerful in what it symbolizes because it is easy to grow in your backyard or a patio container. Find out what this sunny gem means as a birth flower or a happy representation of the sun.

The sunflower has developed unique meanings across the world as it spreads in the modern age, but many cultures share similar views of the flower thanks to its physical characteristics. Some of the most common meanings include:

  •         Long life, mainly since most varieties stand in full bloom for months on end during the hottest days of summer
  •         Feelings of adoration, admiration, and platonic love towards a person, such as a family member or friend
  •          Loyalty and strong bonds between two people, as represented by the strong and upright stem
  •          Seeking out positivity and strength, as the bloom turns to face the sun
  •          Nourishing yourself and others, since the sunflower produces an abundance of edible seeds
  •          Brightening your mood, through the vibrancy of the yellow or orange petals
  •          Good luck and lasting happiness, especially in the Chinese culture


The gerbera daisy is native to south Africa and lush with bright colors and a happy beauty about it. These daisies are strong perennial plants with colors from deepest red to warm yellows, creams, white and peach shades. Not surprisingly the Victorian meaning of the gerbera daisy is happiness. The gerbera daisy seems to hold it’s rays open to the world radiating pure happiness. Who wouldn’t get a smile on their face when presented with a bouquet of these beauties?

Gerbera Daisies have several meanings, but all lean to happiness. The Egyptian meaning of gerberas is closeness to nature and devotion to the sun. The Celts believed that the gerbera would lessen the sorrows and stresses of everyday life. Any type of daisy equals truth or happiness of children. It is thought that if someone gives a gift of covered gerbera daisies that it symbolizes they are hiding something.

Gerberas are available in rich reds, oranges, yellows peaches, creams and white and there a few distinct meanings including:

The color meaning for orange is: sunshine of life. Red means: unconscious in love or fully immersed in love. White: is a symbol of purity or innocence, childlike. Pink: admiration, adoration or high esteem. Yellow: cheerfulness



Carnations have enjoyed a varied and rich history filled with symbolism and legend. They are thought to be one of the oldest cultivated flowers in the world. While the original carnation sported petals in shades of pink and peach, today’s cultivated varieties run the gamut from pure white and shades of pink and red to green, yellow and purple with many striped or variegated versions, too.

What a carnation means depends on the circumstances and the color symbolism of the bloom, but there are some common meanings that apply to all carnations.

  •         Love
  •          Fascination
  •          Distinction

While all carnations symbolize love and affection, the color of the flower also carries meaning. Consider these meanings before presenting carnations to someone you love.

  •          Red: Deep Love and Admiration
  •          White: Pure Love and Good Luck
  •          Pink: A Mother’s Love
  •          Yellow: Disappointment or Rejection
  •         Purple: Capriciousness
  •         Striped: Rejection or Regret



While many of the plants called lilies sold in the flower arrangement business are not actually related to those plants, the Stargazer is a true lily. It is also one of the most popular and picturesque blossoms you can use for decorating your home or making the day of a loved one with a bouquet. The Stargazer flower is a potent symbol of many things, so you can easily make a second or third statement with your floral gift without saying a word.

Unlike most flowers used for symbolism, the Stargazer has only been around for a few decades. Despite this, the flower has already symbolizes.

  •         Purity, especially in the spiritual sense instead of a religious one
  •          Optimism and reaching your goals, even when they’re among the stars
  •         Heaven on earth, or reaching a paradise in the afterlife
  •         Limitless opportunities
  •          Prosperity, abundance, and financial success
  •         Celebrating the 30th wedding anniversary of a couple.

The most popular Stargazer features a striking bright pink color scheme with dark pink, white and yellow specks dotted over the petals. Yellow versions are also available, which lend the flower more of a joyful and cheerful slant to the meaning. White is the third common color for this type of lily, and it carries a shared color meaning of purity and youth.

