


Bouquet of half dozen sunflower, elegantly arranged with non-woven fabric. Perfect for anniversarie..

PHP 3,390.00


Bouquet of one dozen sunflower, elegantly arranged with Korean wrapper and non-woven fabric. Perfec..

PHP 4,490.00


Bouquet of 3 pcs sunflowers and two dozen local roses, elegantly arranged with non-woven fabric. Pe..

PHP 5,770.00
Showing 10 to 12 of 12 (2 Pages)

With its sun-like appearance, sunflowers are one of the most common flowers in history. Its resemblance may just be the beginning. Sunflowers, quite literally, follow the sun all throughout the day. With its stem outstretched and its blossoms turning to where the sun may be, sunflowers have the uncanny ability to move in search for light. But, aside from its striking beauty and peculiar nature, sunflowers are also grown throughout the world as a delicious food source.

The rich appearance and mysteries surrounding facts and connotations of sunflowers make for interesting gifts. Citiflora provides an astounding selection of flower boxes, basket and bouquets containing sunflowers to give to your loved ones. Bring them wishes of good fortune and happiness every day with fresh and long-lasting blooms. It is guaranteed that they will light up like the sun with a beautiful flower arrangement of sunflowers!

Share the energy and joy that sunflowers bring with those who are special to you. Order them online through Citiflora flower shop. Allow our expert florists to create a beautiful flower arrangement that’s sure to be appreciated by the receiver. 

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